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Energy Certifications (APE)

Technical Services

'Energy Performance Certificate, or APE, is a document that describes, through a summary parameter called energy class, the energy characteristics of a building, in terms of its envelope and systems, and provides information on the amount of energy the building consumes for heating, cooling, domestic hot water and lighting. The EPA can be prepared for any type of property, regardless of its intended use, and is mandatory under certain circumstances.
Enertech Solution as part of the activity in the field of energy improvement of buildings, also produces energy performance certificates, as well as Reports ex Law 10.

Why are energy certifications important?

The current methods of energy classification of buildings and the model of energy performance certificate (APE) were introduced by the DM of June 26, 2015. Beginning with Law no. 373/1976, continuing with L. 10/1991, up to the latest European directives, the regulations regarding the containment of energy consumption of building-plant systems have become more extensive and have been enriched with increasingly stringent constraints to enable the achievement of European energy efficiency goals. To date, the preparation of the building energy performance certificate is mandatory for newly constructed buildings, when buying or selling or renting property, and upon completion of major renovations. This certification is accompanied by other regulatory requirements such as, for example, the AQE (Energy Performance Certificate) and the Report ex Law 10.
End-user knowledge of the energy performance of their buildings is the first step that leads to awareness of the monetary and environmental costs of existing inefficiencies and implementation of changes. The Enertech Solution team has numerous technicians who are qualified to issue the energy certifications required by law and are available to identify an efficiency path for properties. Through inspections, analysis of energy bills and context-specific assessments, Enertech Solution's engineers can advise and design interventions to improve or upgrade facilities while giving evidence to the client of the savings that will result.

The benefits of energy certifications

Even when not explicitly required by regulations and even for non-employees, the energy performance certificate (APE) provides concise and timely information regarding the energy behavior of a building. Such knowledge can be either the starting point for improved building performance or, on the other hand, evidence of upgrading or new construction made with the best existing technologies.

The benefits of energy certifications

Even when not explicitly required by regulations and even for non-employees, the energy performance certificate (APE) provides concise and timely information regarding the energy behavior of a building. Such knowledge can be either the starting point for improved building performance or, on the other hand, evidence of upgrading or new construction made with the best existing technologies.

Identification of opportunities for intervention

The APE is produced using a standard calculation method and is structured to provide timely information on the performance of the building and thermal systems. The certificate contains a wealth of information, such as the energy class (G to A4), the quality of the building envelope, the total, renewable and nonrenewable primary energy requirements, the list of energy services present, and recommendations for energy efficiency improvements. The latter are proposals for interventions, identified from among several possible ones, that are most significant energetically and cost-effective. Through such proposals, the user can then become aware of the main opportunities for intervention with a view to improving their building.

Enhancement of the property

In the case of newly constructed properties that have undergone energy upgrades or major renovations, the APE certifies a high, generally above-average building performance. This fact, for eventual buyers or users of the building, is a reason for increased property value and greater appreciation of the structure.

Fulfillment of regulatory obligations

The APE is mandatory for drawing up notarized deeds of sale and purchase and rental agreements, for advertising real estate listings, and for gaining access to certain tax deductions, e.g., EcoBonus, resulting from energy efficiency measures.

Other technical services for energy efficiency

Enertech offers various technical services within the scope of activities aimed at energy improvement of buildings. Also discover the service of:

Monitoring and supervision of energy consumption

Energy consumption monitoring makes it possible to collect and analyze data on building energy consumption in order to identify energy-saving opportunities and improve the efficiency of facilities


Energy Service

What is the EPA?

An energy performance certificate is a document that provides information on the energy performance of a building, through a specific rating system, and promotes energy efficiency with specific recommendations regarding actions that can be taken to increase it.

When is a property exempt from energy certification?

The EPA is a must in some circumstances, such as for the drafting of notarized deeds of sale and purchase and leases. Certain categories of buildings, however, are always exempt from the Energy Performance Certificate (APE) requirement, namely historic buildings, places of worship, temporary buildings with a life of less than two years, nonresidential buildings with an area of less than 50 square meters, buildings used for agricultural and seasonal activities. Even in the absence of a regulatory requirement, it is still possible to request an energy performance assessment through the preparation of the APE and learn about energy-saving opportunities.

What does it take to prepare an energy performance certificate?

In order to prepare an energy performance certificate, it is necessary to carry out an inspection of the building being certified and collect all information regarding the characteristics of the envelope (floor plans, stratigraphy, type of fixtures) and the systems (services present, plant booklet, etc.). Known all the data, the licensed technician can use certified software that performs the calculations necessary to determine energy performance indices and identify the building’s energy class, in accordance with UNI TS 11300 standards.