Construction design
Design for energy efficiency

The energy efficiency of a property must take into consideration not only the plant components, but also the building components. In fact, it is only through building envelope efficiency that it is possible to reduce the energy requirements of the building, thereby minimizing its environmental impact.
Enertech Solution has to its credit the drafting of numerous projects at all levels of detail involving building envelope efficiency interventions, and offers its expertise in identifying the most appropriate interventions to be carried out, quantifying costs and savings.
In the context of energy efficiency of the building-plant system, improvements in the thermophysical characteristics of the envelope are defined through building design. In addition to this aspect, the discipline involves issues related to building ergotechnics, durability of materials and the construction phase. In historically and artistically constrained contexts, the pathology of the envelope and the compatibility of solutions with past construction aspects are analyzed.
Especially in the civil and residential sectors, we often find ourselves planning a comprehensive upgrading of building-plant systems. Therefore, we also deal with the design of systems for the production of energy from renewable sources, such as photovoltaic and solar thermal systems, as well as lighting, control and monitoring systems.

Improving the thermal performance of the building envelope
We specialize in the energy upgrading of existing buildings, which includes upgrading the building envelope. We devise and design highly innovative solutions involving the efficiency of the opaque building envelope, such as the installation of thermal coats, the construction of ventilated facades, and the insulation of horizontal partitions such as attics and basement floors. We also take care of the transparent building envelope, proposing the replacement of windows and doors with new high-performance ones and the installation of solar shading.
Design of nzeb buildings
One of the most interesting applications about building interventions related to energy efficiency concerns the design of building upgrading with the goal of achieving a nzeb (near zero emission building) rating. Buildings so defined, in fact, are properties that require a minimum amount of energy to meet user comfort and therefore need a high-performance building envelope. Over the years we have specialized in the design of this type of building, even supervising dissertations related to the subject.
Activities for comprehensive upgrading of building-plant systems
Especially in the civil and residential sectors, we often find ourselves planning a comprehensive upgrading of building-plant systems. Therefore, we also deal with the design of systems for the production of energy from renewable sources, such as photovoltaic and solar thermal systems, as well as lighting, control and monitoring systems.